Power adapter is all kinds of household appliances, audio and video equipment charging accessories, the power adapter in the country is CCC certification or CQC certification? According to the "Announcement of the General Administration of Market Supervision on the optimization of mandatory product Certification catalogue" and the annex "Mandatory Product Certification catalogue Description and definition Table", all products in the CCC catalogue must be CCC certification, but the same adapter if used in different equipment is sometimes in the CCC catalogue, sometimes not.
According to the provisions of the adapter used in home appliances, IT is necessary to use GB 4706.1 to do CQC or other agencies voluntary certification, if used in audio and video, according to GB 8898 to do CCC, used in IT products according to GB 4943.1 to do CCC certification.
Some power adapter manufacturers will apply for both mandatory CCC certification and voluntary certification for the same type of product, so that you can meet the standards of multiple categories at the same time. If 3C and CQC only do one of these certifications, you can check the 3C certification catalog description and definition table according to the use scenario to confirm which one to do.